AccuRadio offers more than 600 different radio channels, completely free to users, available 24/7 worldwide. We provide streaming music which is personalizable within certain limits. Offering this kind of service is less costly than an on-demand music service, where users manually select which songs they wish to hear. However, it still involves significant costs:
- AccuRadio supports artists by paying a royalty to performers and songwriters for every song we play.
- AccuRadio's service requires paying for a substantial amount of bandwidth every month, in additional to multiple web servers and other equipment.
To keep AccuRadio completely free for users, we run display and audio advertisements. These interruptions will happen much, much less than on AM/FM radio and even less than some other Internet radio services.
Without the support of our advertisers, AccuRadio would not be possible. We appreciate the patience and understanding of our listeners, and hope that some of the ads on our site may alert them to products or services they find useful.
I would gladly pay what I just signed up to pay Apple Music, $5 / month to get AccuRadio ad free (and I’m a broke student). Can’t take the ads on accuradio any more, but Apple Music radio is so bad compared to you!!!’
I agree! So tired of hearing about Honda, or Geico or Lowe's or Capital One Visa. I'll NEVER buy or use those products because I've heard these commercials over and over and over and . . . . They make me want be sick!
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