Here are some common problems related to logging in on our website, and how to solve them.
- The "Forgot password" link doesn't send an email or the email doesn't work
If the "Forgot password" link does not send you an email (be sure to check your spam folder, since it can end up there), please either submit a support ticket above or write to We can give you a temporary password, which you can use to log in, and then change your password in your account settings page.
If our system does send you an email, but the password reset link in the email does not work, please forward that email to so they can investigate why it didn't work. Then, as above, please submit a support ticket or write to
- You've logged in, but your Five-Star / Favorites / History are gone
The most likely reason this might happen is if you've logged in using a different method than usual. Facebook and email accounts are separate, and store information separately. So please double-check to make sure that you are logged using your usual method.
Unfortunately, sometimes Favorites and listening history can be lost. We are working to correct his problem. This article about lost history or Favorites has more information.
- Your login information is correct, but our system says it's wrong
This occasionally happens on our mobile apps. The most common reason for it is if there is an extra space at the end of the email address. Even if your email address and password are correct, our apps may read the extra space as an extra character, making it appear that your email address is wrong.
- Your login isn't being saved
Your login to AccuRadio can be stored in your browser as a cookie. If your browser is set to automatically delete cookies, you would then need to log in again.
- Our site prompts you to log in even though you are already logged in
On rare occasions, an error may cause your browser to become logged out in the background, even though you have not logged out. When this happens, it's best to log out manually, refresh the page (using F5 or the refresh button), and log back in again.
- Browser has incorrect login information saved
Many browsers can save a user's login information to keep them signed in. If the saved information is incorrect (for example, if there is a typo, or if an email address or password was later changed), this can cause an error when trying to log in to AccuRadio.
Here are instructions for finding and updating saved logins for some popular browsers:
- Log in versus sign up
If you're not logged in, our home page may show the Sign Up window, which is used to create a new account. You can click the link in this window which says "Log In" if you already have an account.
Note: If your email address is already registered for an account, PLEASE DO NOT RE-REGISTER THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS. In rare cases this can result in the permanent loss of all data on the original account.
1 comment
Your app is totally useless... no entry... no music... no help that works.
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