You can rate the songs you hear on AccuRadio! If you're logged in, your ratings will be permanently saved on your account. You can change a song's rating anytime it's playing.
To do so, use the star icons shown on the right-hand side of the player while listening to AccuRadio. The range is 1 to 5 stars. A rating of 5 stars means you love the song, and 1 star means you hate it.
Note: Rating a song 1 star does NOT ban it from the channel automatically. Banning Artists and/or Songs explains how to ban songs you're sure you don't want to hear.
When you rate songs highly, we'll try to play them more often when you listen to channels where they're included. When you give songs a low rating, we'll try to play them less often for you. It's not possible to "un-rate" a song, but as long as you're logged in, you can change a song's rating any time it's playing.
Your song ratings also help us improve AccuRadio for everyone. The community rating of a song - drawn from all users who have rated it - has a long term impact on the song's frequency of play for everyone. So it's important to rate both songs you like and songs you dislike!
Rating a song one star does impact its frequency of play for you, as well as contributing to its community rating. However, it does not guarantee that you will never hear that song. To prevent a song from playing in a particular channel you will need to ban it.
Make sure you're logged in when you rate a song. Keep in mind that each login method tracks ratings separately. So if you have more than one email address, or if you sometimes log in using a Facebook account, each login method will have its own collection of song ratings.
When you've made enough ratings while logged in, you'll unlock a personalized channel of all your favorite songs: Five Star Radio.
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